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Iraq situation  米軍イラク年内撤退について


Iraq situation
  the decision of president Obama for withdrew his country troops from Iraq was big surprise for most politicians in Iraq especially Kurd and sunna leaders, because everybody knows that iraqi forces still weak and can not protect Iraq from any foreign aggression even they can not protect citizens inside Iraq from terrorism .
   United state offered to Iraq government to submit request to extend there troops(means Iraq should pay the expenses of US troops) staying but there was big opposition inside Iraq parliament that's why this decision couldn't get approved, from the other hand USA couldn't afford to resist the expenses of the huge number of there troops from there fund during current economic crises in united state.

  currently Iraq life under big challenges inside the society, like the effect of Alqaeda, Assaeb ahil alhaq( most extremist shiaa group separated from Almahdy army), Almahdy army,gangs of kidnapping,self revenge toward peoples who support US forces like Sahwa forces, corruption mafia inside government, opposition against current government from inside the government its self(different parties fight) and many oppositions against current government(from citizens) who demanding to improve the services of basic life like electricity, water,jobs, and security.

   right after president obama announcement , Iraq forces which led by prime minister Maliky start raiding many sunna provinces and sunna provences and inside baghdad as well, and even in some other shiaa provinces as well, and arrest more than 650 citizen and pretending those citizens were ex-bath party members and trying to hold a military coup, and fired many universities teachers from there jobs in Salah aldeen province from   because they were ex-baath party members.these act will increase the base of resistance against current government.

   Salah Aldeen governor Mr. Ahmed al juboury who is belong Al-Iraqia Allay (Al-Iarqia Allay is the main opposition for the current government because they won the last election in 2010 by two different points vise the current prime minister allay which called Dawlat al qanoon, but because maliky has big power he could change some weak points in constitution and he create new coalition by joining with Sader group and given them some privilege by releasing the leaders of almahdy armies who involved by terrorism against Iraqi people and US forces as well, and by this way he kept his position as prime minister for second term). Mr. Ahmed felt so angry because the central government targeted his province even without inform him and he felt confused  infrom his people in salah aldeen because he couldnt protect them, so that he announced his province as independent territory .
personally i did fervor for this governor when during saddam time in 2000 when he was escape from saddam regime, he was member of private protection forces of saddam troops and he participated at that time by military coup against saddam regime , the favor i did for this man i transfered letter from his own family in salah aldeen, at that time he was living in jordan and working as worker in chicken live stock company in arbid city in north of Jordan. but now when he been in such high position he forget my favor during saddam regime.
  any way currently Al-anbar and Mosul province are thinking to separate from central government for the same reasons.two days later Basrah province demand the same way fro separation. and recently al hakeem (who is leader of high islamic cancel who having good relation with Japanese emperor they exchange thanks letters) also support this idea but he said this decision should be taken by citizens and he knows that the citizens are completely blinding to follow him in the regions under his control..

the strange thing is the current government didn't give any evident s against those peoples who had been arrested, and only few news leaked said they got news from ex- Libyan intelligent said the baath party members trying to make military coup and they?? and some time saying they got this information's from Syrian regime

  and the most strange things is the explosions and terrorists act increased incredibly since US troops start evacuation from Iraq, even inside the most secured regions in down town like Shourja market , karada area,basrah Province, karabala Pronvince, which is surrounded by many check points and full with secret police.

 this explosions which could reach toi the most sensitive area lead us to think that the government itself been penetrated by resistance and oppositions  because only the politicians vehicles have rights to overtake the check points without checking, from the other hand a big doubt toward Iranian plans to escalate the instability in iraq situation to  gain and apply its goals via iraq and avoiding the direct target by US.  

   Iran welcomed this decision of US withdrew and soon they sent envoy who represent Iran government to discuss with Maliky the new strategies between them after 2012, many sunna leaders are worry from the Iranian interfering in Iraq issue by supporting the extremism by weapons and money. Iran worry too much from whats going on in Syria now because topple Syrian regime means broken the dream of Iran by establishing the crescent shiaa state from Iran through Iraq,Syria,Lebanon.

    Iranian dream causing too much anxiety for the Gulf region (like Saudia Arabia, Kuwait and Emarit which considered as richest countries in this region) from the Iranian role after US forces withdrew, I expect this withdrew will be as US trap for Iran, opening the doors to Iran to have big roles in Iraq pushing the Gulf states to ask help of US troops( which is not very far from this region) to stop Iran from threatening there states.

these actions will take several years and i never expect Iraq it will be stable in near future, Iraq will continue to be as a place of Settlement of accounts of other countries as it was like that during US forces exist since invasion.

US forces had been fought not only by Iraqi resistance but it had been fought by all enemies of America in all over the world who came to Iraq to revenge from America , and this is what united state plan for it because as they announce through there politicians we can not fight the terrorism in all over the world unless let them to be in one place in iraq .

  the  future of Iraq for me as Irai man its very mysterious , but what can  understand is the main players will be Iran and United state,and the other challenges will like Baath party and Algaeada , and shiaa extremist parties will stay as permanent problems in the body of Iraq.

 currently Iran (via the news) having the nuclear bomb and Israel and America trying to warning them from invade Iraqi and causing threaten for the entire region , simply we can understand the Role of Iran and united stae is the main domain in this region in current time

thank you for reading this report
 feel free to ask any question
Iraqi refugee in Japan

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