as we said before the dream of Iran is to establish its state from Iran till Lebanon, and making crescent shape surround Gulf countries , the loyality of Syrian regime is for Iran and this bothering the Gulf countries so that currently many attempt trying to stop this dream by topple Syrian regime. this attempt started by isolating the Syria from Arab university council recently and supporting the anti Syrian regime resistance .
Iraq government are Syrian regime lovely pet for Iranian regime thats why Iraqi government grant 5 billion dollar to support Syrian regime , and today around one hundred governmental bus( as protected convoy) full with armed young people was shown crossing the from Iraq- to Syrian border without checking at the borders
the Syrian resistance forces(Syrian free army) said those buses was full with militant either from Iraq or from Iran to kill the Syrian protesters as many militant fight against them from Huzb allah in many Syrian cities, and its seems there is cooperation between Iraq resistance and Syrian resistance by exporting the technology of remote control bomb which shown in attach clip.
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