ワリード兄弟イラク通信 Topページ  手記  メモ | ワリードとは | メール



today big disaster happened Mr. watanabe and Mr. yasuda janbe were kidnapped in front of my eye ,2.pm, I almost dieing confused what to do .
I try to tell them its dangerous to go Abo-Krib but they insist to go they and the taxi driver and my disaided to return with them but they sad just ask them some
questions and we was driving by the car suddenly car follow us and tell the driver to stop and they tell us to return but the Japanese insist and they tell us to folow they to photo helichopter Apatchi it was distroied by the Mojahden and after 5 mintes they stop and more three cars were stoped also and they rise the weapon and they take us but the driver lied and said he is from Al-Sader office. they wont to still the car also, but I do'nt know how they release me and the driver please if you say you have this information from me soon I will be killed, OR i WILL die from my sadness to the Japanese hostages I get dairy now!

and we tell the Mojahden they are chine's but one of the Japanese have his passport !!

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